Front Porch Floor Renovation

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Revision as of 15:29, 29 October 2009 by Lorensen (talk | contribs)
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Our front porch has a concrete floor. Over the years, the concrete has developed some small cracks, chips and flaking. After the 2008 exterior renovation, we decided to try and spiff up the porch floor. I did considerable research on the web and determined that the best product was Quikrete Multi-Surface Concrete Stain/Paint. I followed all of the instructions using their BOND·LOK Concrete Cleaner, Degreaser & Etcher to clean and etch the surface of the concrete. I was pleased with the ease of application and the finished look. But, after one winter, the coating began to peel off the concrete. I contacted Quikrete via e-mail and they were very responsive. I sent them samples of the peeling paint and they analyzed the chips. Apparently, the concrete that was poured 38 years ago may have had an additive that prevented the paint from adhering, even after the cleaning/etching. They suggested that I remove the paint and repeat the process. Quikrete provided a free gallon of paint. I tried to remove the paint, but paint remover and sanding would have taken way too long.

Finally, after a period of searching on the internet, I found an excellent solution to my problem.

The paint did not adhere to the concrete in many locations.
The paint did not adhere to the concrete in many locations.
The finished tile project.
The finished tile project.
The finished tile project.
The finished tile project.