Tribute to Bill

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Bill was a major influence in the areas of computer graphics, visualization, medical computing, and software process. He was loved by many throughout these communities. Here we have captured some of the many tributes contributed by friends and family.


Bill grew up near Troy, NY where this local obituary was posted.

VTK Discourse List

Bill was a significant contributor to the VTK software. He was one of the three original authors of the Visualization Toolkit textbook including the companion software. Bill contributed to VTK until the last weeks of his life, in later years contributing an extensive compendium of examples and code. He was also a driving force in converting the original book into Markdown and LaTeX (with Andrew Maclean and other community members). Bill could always be counted on to provide praise and nag scofflaws who were slow to add software tests, or correct errors on the VTK dashboard.

Hanspeter Pfister

I have known Bill since I attended my first IEEE Visualization conference in 1992. At the time I was a first year PhD student in Arie’s lab and did not know much about visualization. Arie introduced me to Bill by saying something like “this is the guy who invented marching cubes.” We exchanged some pleasantries, and later that day I had to look up what marching cubes is.

Bill was one of the inspirations for my research in point-based graphics. We used to talk about the GE hardware they built for dividing cubes, which we now would call a point-based rendering algorithm for volume data. Bill was very proud of dividing cubes, and he showed a lot of interest in our work in point-based graphics. As always, he was encouraging and enthusiastic about our work, which in turn inspired us to continue.

Over the years, we participated in several workshops and panels on volume graphics. Bill’s usual role was to defend marching cubes and polygon rendering, and my role was to present ray casting as the solution to all volume rendering problems. Taking these extreme positions made the panels especially fun, even though our arguments were mostly tongue in cheek and not really serious.

In 2000, I organized the “Transfer Function Bake-Off” panel, and invited Bill to be the referee to choose “the best” method for transfer function selection in volume rendering. Bill made a show of it, and selected Gordon Kindlman as the winner. The prize was an easy-bake oven, which, many years later, I saw proudly displayed in Gordon’t office.

Bill and I interacted a lot during my tenure as the VGTC chair. I invited him to be the chair of the VGTC technical awards committee in 2004, which gave me the opportunity to have lunch with him and the awardees at several VIS conferences. Bill handled this important position with class and dignity, and he and the committee made excellent selections for the awards until he stepped down in 2011. More about this in the email snippets below.

Later I had the pleasure to be part of the ITK-4.0 project, sponsored by NIH and led by Terry. It was fun to see Bill’s occasional technical emails fly by, mostly corralling people to get behind his software architecture and coding standards. Bill was a programmer’s programmer, and the depth of his programming knowledge was infinite.

Needless to say, Bill has been a role model for me and many other young researchers. His easy-going manner, his good humor, his love of visualization and geeking out over a beer made everyone feel at ease around him. He is a person who achieved so much without letting it get to his head.

He will always be in my heart, and I truly miss him.

I found some old pictures with Bill from IEEE Visualization 2002 (Boston) and 2004 (Austin, TX):

David Banks

I met Bill when he visited UNC in the early 1990s. He gave a talk about Marching Cubes and Dividing Cubes, and was tremendously affable throughout his visit. Although his work in visualizing 3D MRI was interesting, I didn't consider it particularly relevant to my own efforts to display and manipulate mathematical surfaces in R4. More than a year passed before I realized that surfaces in R4 arise as level sets (Andrew Hanson at Indiana was simultaneously thnking along the same lines). I worked with Chris Weigle to develop a 4-dimensional version [1] of Marching Cubes, and then worked with Kevin Beason to compute global illumination on heightfields as a pre-process [2] before running Marching Cubes. Kevin demonstrated the results on 3D MRI, bringing the work full-circle back to Bill's original application-domain. Paul Stockmeyer (at William and Mary) visited my lab to work out the group-theory details underpinning Marching Cubes and its variants [3]. I ended up being very influenced by Bill and his informal presentation at UNC Graphics Lunch. It was an honor to meet him and discover his work.

[1] Weigle, Chris, and David C. Banks. "Complex-valued contour meshing." In Proceedings of Seventh Annual IEEE Visualization'96, pp. 173-180. IEEE, 1996.

[2] Banks, David C., and Kevin Beason. "Decoupling illumination from isosurface generation using 4D light transport." IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15, no. 6 (2009): 1595-1602.

[3] Banks, David C., Stephen A. Linton, and Paul K. Stockmeyer. "Counting cases in substitope algorithms." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10, no. 4 (2004): 371-384.