April 1, 2016

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April 1, 2016

Friends, Many of you know that for the past ten years, I have been actively working to limit overdevelopment of marginal lands in Clifton Park, New York. I was one of the founders of FOLK, Friends of the Longkill Forest. I continue to advocate for responsible development in the towns of Clifton Park, Ballston, and Round Lake.

Today, April 1, 2016, I announce my candidacy to run for Clifton Park Town Supervisor in November. I will run as an independent with endorsements from FOLK, PMGL, LHS, PiKA, VTK, ITK, LYMB, IGFES, OSCAR, and IEEE Visualization. I will be financing my campaign. Soon you will be able to visit my campaign website: billlorensenforcliftonparktownsupervisor.com or blfcpts.com. On that website, you will see my positions on subdivisions (both interpolation and approximation), surface versus volume rendering, software quality, open source and reducing over triangulation of surfaces.

I am confident that my opposition will have no idea how to address these topics. My campaign manager "Buddy" Lorensen, has promised to work like a dog to get me elected. "A vote for Bill is a vote for Bill."